Ahead of Thursday’s talk with Helen Nissenbaum — an NYU professor of Media, Culture and Communication, and Computer Science — we’d like to share some of her featured work, including her new book with Mary Flanagan, who spoke at CMS/W earlier this year.
In Medias Res, Fall 2014
Featuring the photography of B.D. Colen, introductions to Coco Fusco and Marjorie Liu, the awesomeness of @mitblogs_ebooks, and alumni updates.
Registration now open for EdTechX: A series of online courses in educational technology
MIT’s Education Arcade and Scheller Teacher Education Program are launching EdTechX, a series of six-week long MITx online courses on EdX.
Developing Game Worlds: Gaming, Technology, and Innovation in Peru
This relatively unknown industry has been able to introduce complex skills and work around structural gaps and obstacles to create the foundations for a potentially viable technology and creative industry.
Podcast: The Creative Industries Prototyping Lab
Eduardo Marisca: “But the need was not for technologies themselves. It’s something that they can get their hands on. The biggest problem was process.”
Podcast and Liveblog: “Play in the Age of Computing Machinery” with Miguel Sicart
Miguel Sicart looks at the culture, aesthetics, and technological implications of play in the age of computers.
Miguel Sicart: “Play in the Age of Computing Machinery”
Games scholar Miguel Sicart of the IT University of Copenhagen looks at the culture, aesthetics, and technological implications of play in the age of computers.