The third and final forum in the Will Newspapers Survive? series presented by the MIT Communications Forum.
Video and podcast: “The Emergence of Citizens’ Media”
The Emergence of Citizen’s Media features Alex Beam of the Boston Globe, Ellen Foley from the Wisconsin State Journal and Dan Gillmor, founder of the Center for Citizen Media.
Podcast: “The Rise of Citizen Journalism”
Convergence is a buzzword in which Comparative Media Studies is heavily invested, and we are spending a significant amount of time this term examining what effects that convergence is having on newsgathering and journalism in America. These research questions are driven, in part, by a three-part series of the MIT Communication Forum entitled “Will Newspapers Survive?”
News, Information and the Wealth of Networks
An MIT Communications Forum featuring speakers Yochai Benkler, Henry Jenkins , and William Uricchio.
The Emergence of Citizens’ Media
The aging of the newspaper reader, the emergence of citizens’ media and the blogosphere, the fate of local news and the local newspaper, news and information in the networked future.